Escrevivendo e Photoandarilhando por ali e por aqui

“O que a fotografia reproduz no infinito aconteceu apenas uma vez: ela repete mecanicamente o que não poderá nunca mais se repetir existencialmente”.(Roland Barthes)

«Todo o filme é uma construção irreal do real e isto tanto mais quanto mais "real" o cinema parecer. Por paradoxal que seja! Todo o filme, como toda a obra humana, tem significados vários, podendo ser objecto de várias leituras. O filme, como toda a realidade, não tem um único significado, antes vários, conforme quem o tenta compreender. Tal compreensão depende da experiência de cada um. É do concurso de várias experiências, das várias leituras (dum filme ou, mais amplamente, do real) que permite ter deles uma compreensão ou percepção, de serem (tendencialmente) tal qual são. (Victor Nogueira - excerto do Boletim do Núcleo Juvenil de Cinema de Évora, Janeiro 1973

terça-feira, 29 de junho de 2010

Le Petit Journal - Les Instantanés de la Guerre

'Le Petit Journal'
Colorful Front-Pages and Allegories Galore
two typical coverpages - left a patriotic allegory and right a portrait

'Le Petit Journal' was a long existing illustrated magazine supplement that appeared in a somewhat old-fashioned 19th century format. The back and front covers were printed in bold and eye-catching color, usually with prints or etchings of news-worthy events of the more sensationalist kind or patriotic allegories. The price was amazingly cheap and the print-run ran into more than a million copies for every issue. The inside pages consisted of text and at times pages of photographs or large-sized war maps. .
Some of the following scans are from various issues published in 1919 and as can be seen, throughout the year almost every cover was dedicated to matters pertaining to the Great War. During the war years themselves, a large number of coverpages were devoted to depicting various well-known and lesser-known commanding officers and heros of the Allied armies. In the later years of the war, instead of producing colored illustrations, use was made of hand-colored photographs, often decorated with flowery motifs or set out in more modernist appearing collages.
two typical pages of war photos
two examples of backpage illustrations
left : Russian women volunteers
right : a young regimental mascot with the Russian volunteers in France

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