Escrevivendo e Photoandarilhando por ali e por aqui

“O que a fotografia reproduz no infinito aconteceu apenas uma vez: ela repete mecanicamente o que não poderá nunca mais se repetir existencialmente”.(Roland Barthes)

«Todo o filme é uma construção irreal do real e isto tanto mais quanto mais "real" o cinema parecer. Por paradoxal que seja! Todo o filme, como toda a obra humana, tem significados vários, podendo ser objecto de várias leituras. O filme, como toda a realidade, não tem um único significado, antes vários, conforme quem o tenta compreender. Tal compreensão depende da experiência de cada um. É do concurso de várias experiências, das várias leituras (dum filme ou, mais amplamente, do real) que permite ter deles uma compreensão ou percepção, de serem (tendencialmente) tal qual são. (Victor Nogueira - excerto do Boletim do Núcleo Juvenil de Cinema de Évora, Janeiro 1973

segunda-feira, 1 de junho de 2009

About Hitler and I - Marguerita Bornstein

Who I AM

Marguerita – A New York based self syndicated political cartoonist ,artist,sculptor,photographer, and graphic designer ,whose unique style and thought provoking work has appeared in the Jornal da Tarde- O Estado de S.Paulo, Graphis, The New York Times op-ed, The Nation ,The Village Voice,The Bulletin (Australia), Geo,Forward , Avenue,Vogue ,Harper's and many other publications. She also did book covers for Reinaldo Arenas,Ariel Dorfman, published by Viking,besides taking part in exhibits in art galleries.
Marguerita was born in Australia from Polish/Spanish heritage.Both her parents were Holocaust survivors and both families were totally murdered by the Nazi.
Her mother,Salomea Fleischer Lauer,formerly a slave laborer for A.G.Dynamit Nobel A.G in Auschwitz - Birkenau,made bullets and was exposed to gun powder that supposedly left her infertile.Her number,tattooed on her left arm was A-26.427.Mea, a cousin of the great animators Max and David Fleischer and of Bruno Jasienski, the author of Paris is Burning.Her father,Dr. Stefan Felix Bornstein,was a Chemical and Textile Engineer and a writer published in Poland, France, Brazil,Switzerland and Germany.He owned Starzycka Manufaktura, in Tomaszow-Mazowiecki,Poland,a family concern.
During the war,he was a prisoner in a forced labor camp in Siberia.
Raised in Brazil where she become a household name for her drawings in the title sequence of the political satire O Rebu, an avant garde style and the first woman to create for TV ,besides her Humor Pages for Manchete,and Margarida,The Incredible Modern Woman,in Revista Mais.Her work began to appear in the press since she was nine years old.
Bio in: Lambiek
All artwork copyrights by margueritabornstein

Monday, May 25, 2009


About Hitler and I

art and photos by marguerita

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