sexta-feira, 31 de julho de 2009

Transformar fotos em peças musicais





"Disfarmer" é a mais recente proposta do guitarrista norte--americano Bill Frisell. Um total de 26 temas servem de banda sonora ao trabalho do fotógrafo ruralista e realista Mike Disfarmer, falecido há 50 anos.


Bill Frisell adora desafios e este era mais um e aliciante: partir das fotografias de Mike Disfarmer, captadas entre o período da Depressão norte- -americana e os anos 50, para um projecto musical.


O guitarrista desconhecia por completo o trabalho do fotógrafo que, ainda por cima, tinha já falecido no ano de 1959. Mas, ao tomar contacto com as imagens, que retratam figuras rurais do Arkansas, a preto e branco, Frisell sentiu fervilhar um sem número de ideias para ilustrá-las musicalmente.


Foi assim que, há dois anos, partiu para o espectáculo "Musical Portraits from Herb Spring: Bill Frisell' Disfarmer Project", onde, com um trio que incluía Greg Leiz (guitarra e bandolim) e Jenny Scheinman (violino), tocava com as imagens de Disfarmer projectadas num imenso ecrã. Para a sessão de estúdio juntou a esta formação o baixista Viktor Krauss.


O resultado é uma sonoridade que combina country, blues, rock e algumas doses de minimalismo, resultando uma atmosfera que anda entre o romântico e o melancólico e que, acima de tudo, respira História.


Frisell confessa que tentou entrar na cabeça de Disfarmer: o que pensaria o fotógrafo quando estava a retratar aquela gente anónima cujos rostos nos contam as realidades mais díspares?


A proposta do guitarrista e compositor acaba por constituir um enorme fresco de um país longe do sonho americano e do glamour de Hollywood.



in Jornal de Notícias -





The Disfarmer Project is dedicated to preserving the legacy of the great American portrait photographer Mike Disfarmer (1884-1959). Please browse our website for news and information about Disfarmer, and visit our store to purchase Disfarmer prints and books. A portion of the profits from the sales of prints will be donated to non-profit organizations in Cleburne County.
We are grateful for the ongoing support from the community of Heber Springs, Arkansas, for this historical reclamation project, and have made a commitment to give back to this community. This website also serves as a resource for community and cultural events in Cleburne County.
An important part of The Disfarmer Project involves the collecting of oral history. For those of you fortunate enough to remember Disfarmer, please contact us to arrange an interview.





Bill Frisell 200
photo Jimmy Katz

Jazz guitarist Bill Frisell has assembled a 21st-century string band to record an album inspired by Mike Disfarmer's work.
., July 13, 2009 - This album is called Disfarmer, and it's by Bill Frisell. Frisell, you may know: He's a guitar tactician with warmth and a composer of unclassifiable songs. As a solo artist, Frisell is known largely for drawing upon the affects of Americana — folk, country and western, what-have-you — in ways you wouldn't immediately call jazz, but which draw from jazz in a way that implies no better descriptor. MORE
art2art is proud to circulate this important exhibition in association with the Disfarmer Project. The photographs are selected from the private collection of Michael Mattis and Judith Hochberg.
For information please visit
Exhibition information
Dan Hurlin : Everyday Uses for Sight No. 6: Disfarmer

Everyday Uses for Sight No. 6: Disfarmer, premiering in February 2009 at St. Ann's Warehouse, Brooklyn, NY , is a piece of Puppet Theater that examines the contradictions in the life of an American hermit. Alone but not despairing, longing but not lonely, Disfarmer is represented by a series of puppets, each an exact reprint of the last, except 2 inches smaller. During the course of the play, Disfarmer shrinks like the rest of rural America, until he is completely gone, and we are left with the quiet and nervous expectancy of standing perfectly still for a long exposure. MORE

Learn about Disfarmer:

A brief biography of Disfarmer by noted author Rick Woodward may be found here.

News articles and reviews concerning Disfarmer can be found here.



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