sexta-feira, 29 de junho de 2012

GE E1680W Review

GE E1680W Review
You'll find the sub-$200 GE E1680W point and shoot camera bodies in silver (metallic gray), black, and red, as shown here.
GE Rating3 Star Rating
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By , Guide

The Bottom Line

Finding a large optical zoom lens (8X) in such a thin camera (0.7 inches in thickness) certainly made me notice the GE E1680W. In the sub-$200 price range, the E1680W has an above-average list of features.
Unfortunately, the E1680W's image quality is only average. The camera exhibited some softness in a variety of shooting situations, but it especially struggled in low-light conditions. If you want a beginner-level camera with a nice zoom lens to use for outdoor nature photos, the E1680W is well worth considering. For those who want to shoot mostly indoor flash photos, though, I'd look elsewhere.


  • Resolution: 16.0 megapixels
  • Optical zoom: 8X (28-224mm)
  • LCD: 3.0-inch, 230,400 pixels
  • Maximum image size: 4608 x 3456 pixels
  • Battery: Rechargeable Li-Ion
  • Dimensions: 3.9 x 2.2 x 0.7 inches
  • Weight: 4.8 ounces (without battery and memory card)
  • Image sensor: CCD 1/2.33 in.
  • Movie mode: HD 720p (30fps)


  • 8X optical zoom is good in such a thin camera
  • Camera is very easy to use
  • LCD is bright and sharp
  • Movie mode works pretty well
  • Outdoor images are pretty good


  • Overall image quality could be better
  • Many photos seem to have a bit of a softness to them
  • Flash is too intense in many instances
  • Shutter lag is noticeable when shooting at maximum zoom
  • More resolution and aspect ratio options would be nice
  • Image Quality

    With outdoor photos, the E1680W does a nice job for the most part. The camera doesn't suffer much from shutter lag when the exterior lighting is good, and colors are realistic and vibrant. You may notice some shutter lag when shooting at the maximum zoom setting, however.
    The biggest problem when shooting in sunlight with this camera is you sometimes lose details in the shadows when shooting in areas of high contrast -- bright sunlight and shadows in the same frame.
    With indoor photos, though, the E1680W struggles a bit. Flash photos are hit and miss in terms of quality, as you'll have some images that are washed out because the flash is too intense. To deal with these issue, you can back up a little bit from the subject, zoom in, and use the flash from a little ways away.
    The colors aren't quite as realistic and vibrant in low light photos, either.
    The biggest problem I noticed with the E1680W is its autofocus, which just isn't quite as sharp as it needs to be. If you want to shoot a lot of close-up photos with this camera, especially indoors, you'll probably be disappointed in the results about half the time.
    For a camera in this price range, the overall image quality is just average.


    Overall, the E1680W's response times are about average. The camera starts up pretty fast, and its shutter lag isn't bad most of the time. However, you'll find growing shutter lag and shot to shot delays when shooting at the maximum 8X zoom lens setting.
    Finding an 8X optical zoom lens in a camera of this size and price range is a very nice feature, and the lens does a decent job.
    The 3.0-inch LCD is a nice feature in a camera in this price range, too, and it is very bright and sharp. You can change the brightness level to any of 10 settings, giving you the option of increasing performance or conserving battery power.
    As mentioned above, the camera's flash performance isn't as good as I'd like to see, and the camera tends to fire the flash in some photography situations where it probably shouldn't. You may find yourself wanting to manually turn off the flash from time to time.
    The E1680W has a few special effect options. You can shoot in panoramic mode, and the E1680W will try to automatically create a panoramic photo for you. However, I had a difficult time keeping the camera steady enough to make this feature work properly, and I received quite a few error messages. Even with the error messages, the camera does record the panoramic photo at least. The other special effect options include "pencil sketch," fisheye, and black and white. The pencil effect is really fun to use.
    Finally, the E1680W can shoot 720 HD video, and the movie quality is pretty good. There is no dedicated movie button, and you must select movie mode from the menus. The zoom lens is available when shooting movies, which is nice.


    I like the look of the E1680W. It's a very thin camera, measuring only 0.7 inches in thickness, and it's a great size and shape for beginners looking for an easy-to-use camera. It also has an uncluttered interface, with very few buttons.
    The E1680W has no mode dial, unfortunately, but you can work through the camera's on-screen menus to make your selections, and, like most GE cameras, the menu structure is easy to use. The camera's four-way button is a nice size and is comfortable to use, which is important with how often you probably will need to use the menus.
    With this camera, you can shoot at five different resolutions at the 4:3 ratio. The only other aspect ratio you can use is 16:9, and only two resolutions are available at that ratio

    quinta-feira, 28 de junho de 2012


    * Victor Nogueira, excepto a última

    Foto Celeste Gato

    terça-feira, 5 de junho de 2012

    Digitalize seu acervo de fotos e até mesmo os negativos

    Fernando Petracioli, especial para PC WORLD
    Não deixe a memória fotográfica de sua vida ser apagada pelo tempo; digitalize tudo e até corrija o que os anos estragaram. 

     Mas pode haver alguma foto em especial que você queira escanear com altíssima qualidade. Para isso, você pode usar a chamada resolução óptica total do aparelho – que é a capacidade máxima da lente do scanner 'enxergar' o que está na imagem. 
    Se não for o suficiente, alguns softwares oferecem a chamada resolução interpolada. Trata-se de uma tentativa de ir além da capacidade da lente; é como se o programa tentasse ‘deduzir’ ou adivinhar os pixels existentes entre aqueles que o scanner conseguiu captar. 
    Dessa forma, é possível chegar a uma resolução mais alta, mas essa ‘dedução’ do programa pode acabar sendo equivocada ou exagerada.
    Fotos amareladas
    Se você acha um problema que o papel das fotos mais antigas já tenha amarelado, saiba que isso pode ter solução. O Photoshop oferece uma alternativa bem simples, que aplicamos em uma foto de coloração já alterada pelo tempo.

    Após a digitalização e com sua foto aberta no software, Vá em ImageAdjustmentsHue/Saturation (veja imagem abaixo). No menu drop-sown Edit, selecione Yellows. Na barra Saturation, que controla o nível de saturação, diminua o nível, movendo-o para a esquerda, até que você chegue a um resultado satisfatório visualmente.

    Mas e os negativos?
    Fotógrafos amadores mais cuidadosos com toda certeza ainda guardam os negativos de suas fotos - mesmo as que já foram impressas. Caso queira digitalizar esse tipo de mídia também, saiba que o ideal é ter um scanner específico. 

    Existem equipamentos dedicados exclusivamente ao escaneamento de negativos – eles possuem até uma entrada específica para inserir os filmes. 
    Há também soluções de adaptação para scanners convencionais – uma peça plástica para encaixar os negativos, além do software com a funcionalidade de reconhecimento e transformação em positivo.
    Mas tanto a adaptação, por cerca de 1.300 reais, quanto o scanner especial, que pode chegar a quase 3 mil reais podem não justificar o investimento se a utilização não for profissional. 
    Assim, resta mais uma alternativa: pode-se tentar fazer a digitalização dos negativos por meio de um scanner de mesa convencional. Após o escaneamento, abra a imagem no Photoshop e aplique o comando Ctrl+(ou vá em ImageAdjustmentsInvert), que inverte as cores da imagem, tornando-a positiva.
    O resultado pode não sair uma maravilha, mas é uma opção aos caríssimos scanners de filmes.