segunda-feira, 27 de abril de 2009

Concerto da Banda Rock The Fake, re-baptizada One Hundred Steps

Concerto da Banda Rock The Fake, re-baptizada One Hundred Steps, nas quais o Rui Pedro era vocalista e guitarra
Setúbal - Largo do Convento de Jesus

domingo, 26 de abril de 2009

No Mindelo (Vila do Conde)

´* Fotografias de Victor Nogueira

Férias no Mindelo

quarta-feira, 22 de abril de 2009

Changing the world one hug at a time...

April 3, 2009 by blackliberal


I’m a hugger.

I hug people all the time.

Last night I hugged a woman I’d only met an hour before and you know I think she liked it. That simple gesture made her feel good and I wanted to show her how much I had appreciated her thoughts and help in solving a problem I was having and a hug was the simplest way to do that.

Friends will tell you that I hug and touch them a million times during a conversation and I probably started doing it from the moment I met them luckily they still became my friends and didn’t run away screaming that girl is

Even when I’m in the heat of a debate I’m probably touching the person I’m vehemently disagreeing with. And I wouldn’t lie sometimes it makes individuals uncomfortable, I guess they feel i’m intruding upon their personal space and as a woman I have to be aware of this aspect of my personality when it comes to the opposite sex and some members of my gender as well because it could convey the wrong message. But for the most part people understand that that’s just how I am and when I lean in to give a hug they give one back even after they just accused me of being a tree hugging liberal it still feels good to get a hug.

And that’s the true benefit of hugs they are universal and under most circumstances it always feels good to give or to get one regardless of your station in life.

So protocol be damned Michelle Obama should keep on hugging (even half hugs like the one above are I know I will and maybe just maybe these hugs will change the world.


President Obama - TWO BROS - Historic Moment in Time

April 10, 2009...1:06 04
From Harlem To Brixton With Love
From Alfie Wade and Linda Nourse

“You won’t see this photo on CNN. Everyone is too busy showing the Queen being touched. This is a moment of “touching” that will not be forgotten by this Bobby.


“This is the most powerful photo in the series. Remember they are not supposed to shake hands, but the two brothers couldn’t resist the historic moment. The black royal cop never imagined in his wildest dream that he would usher a black American president into the British corridors of power. Nice.”


segunda-feira, 20 de abril de 2009

O meu neto Francisco

Meia Hora depois de nascer, a 17 de Abril de 2009

No 4º dia - 20 de Abril de 2009
Fotógrafias de Sérgio Gabriel

quarta-feira, 15 de abril de 2009

Sebastião Salgado - Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem Terra

1997: Sai o livro “Terra”, de fotos de Sebastião Salgado
O fotógrafo Sebastião Salgado, o músico Chico Buarque e o escritor português José Saramago lançam em S. Paulo o livro Terra, com 109 fotos. Os direitos autorais vão para o MST.

Menina do acampamento sem-terra de Chopinzinho, PR, retratada por Salgado


in Vermelho 2009.04.14



terça-feira, 14 de abril de 2009

Rui Pedro e Susana


* Fotografias de Victor Nogueira

Póvoa de Varzim

Évora (Susana à saída da maternidade)

Setúbal (Moinho da Mourisca)


sábado, 4 de abril de 2009

Voltarei em breve

Entretenham-se com os posts anteriores, se quiserem.